Are You Fashion Forward Ready?

FFWD is the only Fashion kind I know of, that never arrives fashionably late. Yes, the time has come to talk fashion, I know, we have never actually stopped talking about fashion. But for the 3rd time we can talk fashion while taking high tea with designers and buyers in the Fashion Café.

Are you going forward for the FFWD 3rd edition?

Do you have your best outfits ready for the 3 day event, full of catwalk presentations, inspiring talks and panel discussions as well as the parties? Do you have your act together so striking or impressive to turn heads during fashion shows? Well, get ready, because we are all proud of being a part of FFWD from the very begging and following two extremely successful seasons, the creators behind Dubai’s most amazing fashion event, will bring you oh-so-much-more extravaganza in SEASON THREE.

So while you sitting there with your hair rollers in and your nails drying, see everything you need to know about Fashion Forward, check the schedule for all the events not to be missed in FFWD’s 3rd edition! I bet, you don’t want to miss out on chatting to British fashion model and style icon Alexa Chung, during a question and answer session entitled In Conversation With Alexa Chung. See, I told you so, now, hurry up and register for a chance to attend Alexa’s talk!

For all information on schedule, registration, talks and designers visit  20140227_Fashion-Forward-2014

Register, get your tickets, dress to impress, hang your best designer bag over your shoulder and indulge in everything fashion for 3 days in FFWD season three at The Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai from April 10-13