A Name for Yourself

If your name (nickname, blog name) were to become an adjective, what would it mean?

Tonkadellic meaning perfect and heavenly ideal connection in terms of emotional intelligence, empathy, deeper understanding of inner beauty, raw feelings and emotional values. Tonkadellic would stand for harmony of morals, ethics and respect.

Tonkadellian would be  a person practising tonkadellism.

Tonkadellism promoting basic human values, like human compassion, human affection. And in that respect, more sensitivity. In politics tonkadellism would play a very important role. Tonkadellism would be practised simply by compromising to retain peace.

From tonkadellopedia

Mind Reader

The last person I saw before reading today’s daily prompt and before I sat down to write this, is my domestic helper. Call her what you want, cleaner or a maid. I like to call her a helper, because she is helping me with all general house work and no maid would ever clean my house the way I do and like. So I do the organizing bit. She was just here, before I sat down to write, she wiped off the dust on my desk and finished all works downstairs.

Now she is upstairs hoovering my bedroom and probably thinking that they will cut her salary down at her office as she arrived two hours late. I will pay her a little extra money tho. Probably thinking of her plans for the long weekend ahead of us. She just stopped the hoover and sneezed twice, then started vacuuming again. That was odd, why would someone stop vacuuming just to sneeze. Would you not sneeze while hoovering ? I guess most of the time she is just thinking why on earth is my whole house covered in cats hair. She thinks I am the crazy cat lady. Yup, that is exactly what she is thinking right now.

In response to Daily Prompt – Mind Reader 

Begin In Truth…

How we begin to tell our story is by first letting the truth be heard in all its rawness, in all its ugliness, and in all its messiness. The truth prevents us from pretending that the things that happened did not happen.

The Forgiveness Challenge is adapted from The Book of Forgiving.

To learn more go to The Forgiveness Challenge. 

The Only Witness

When you do something scary or stressful — bungee jumping, public speaking, etc. — do you prefer to be surrounded by friends or by strangers? Why?

Surrounded by friends or strangers? Surprisingly, I have no feelings to this question. Yeah, rare! I have no preference at all. I have no answer. Wow. I think I take my own circumstances as they come. And that doesn’t mean I am fearless. Fearless is impossible. I actually fear almost everything. When I am doing something scary or new, I get stressed, doubtful and nervous. However I feel, no matter what I have to deal with, I am on my own, no matter if I’m surrounded by family, friends or strangers. No one can make a difference, to my pounding heart, my stomach turning or to my body sweating. It is always a personal challenge. It is happening inside of me. Me facing my own fears. No one can face them for me or with me. My fear is invisible to everyone else. At that moment it is just me and my fear alone – face to face. What people can see could be my nervousness. And nervousness surrounding what I want to do is considered a good sign too. I would say that company of strangers teaches me more about who I am as a person in different situations. Be it public speaking or bungee jump.


Reason to Believe – My Desire

Desire to do anything
Is my reason to believe
I believe in my power to do anything that I want
And my power is my reason to believe
I believe in myself and all of my possibilities
And my possibilities are my reason to believe
I believe in love
And love is my reason to believe
I believe in magic, excitement, joy, purpose and passions
And those are my reasons to believe
I believe in enjoyment of what I do and love
my reason to believe
I believe in my wonderful life
And my life is the reason to believe
I believe in beauty
And beauty is my reason to believe

Reason to believe
Knowing That I Can Do Anything!

What you Believe you Are

You have the power to create. Your power is so strong that whatever you believe comes true. You create yourself, whatever you believe you are. You are the way you are because that is what you believe about yourself. Your whole reality, everything you believe, is your creation. You have the same power as any other human in the world. The main difference between you and someone else is how you apply your power, what you create with your power. You may be similar to others in many ways, but no one in the whole world lives her life the way you do.
You have practiced all of your life to be what you are, and you do it so well that you master what you believe you are. You master your own personality, your own beliefs; you master every action, every reaction. You practice for years and years, and you achieve the level of mastery to be what you believe you are. Once we can see that all of us are masters, we can see what kind of mastery we have.

Wanted to share this Note from Chapter 1- The wounded Mind in The Mastery of Love

Wisdom Book by DON MIGUEL RUIZ


In response to Daily Prompt – Reason to believe 

View this book and more at Wordery